Tuesday, September 22, 2020

in this article I'm going to show you the top 4 apps for the iPad pro for architects. so the iPad pro is been pretty revolutionary for my design practice. I use the Apple pencil and they've come out with some newer models that don't require you to charge the pencil using this device here you can actually get just drop it next to your iPad and run with it. the iPad pro original one though still has tremendous computing power and works very well with the Apple pencil allows you to draw fluid lines, has palm rejection the new iPad pro probably has a little bit more robust although. I haven't noticed much drag with this iPad and it has really served me well and not really fallen flat on any of the apps that I try to load on it now I know eventually Apple's gonna kind of phase this model out and I'll be forced to upgrade, just because the operating system and so forth, but right now this older iPad pro is working really well with these four apps that you'll find very useful for your architectural practice the 4 we're going to cover today or procreate Apple, Adobe sketch concepts and more folio trace these are the top 4 that if you're going to be using an iPad for architecture these are the 4 that.

1. Procreate

Top 4 iPad Apps for Architects #part 1

I suggest you start off with right out of the bat now procreate is one that cost so procreate cost $9.99 , now for $9.99 this thing is an absolute steal I mean the amazing part of being able to draw in the iPad. is to have it look like realistic pencils or pens and that kind of thing in procreate actually gets the closest out of all these – those realistic pencils and just you know draw on paper. so there's a you know some thousands of reviews, and they're 4.4 out of 5 stars. so this is a must-have app for your iPad pro and probably the one that I would start with first now if you don't want to spend $10 then you're probably not meant to draw on the iPad pro if you spend. so much on the on the pro model anyway just to get the pencil and that the iPad itself spend an extra $10 and get procreate.

Okay, so procreate is the drawing app allows you to create multiple artworks even stacks if you're doing like a particular project, you can have stacks for that project that, allows you to group all your drawings into one. if we were to create a new drawing here you get a list of sizes that you want, I'm gonna choose square, but you have a choice of custom sizes as well, if this is gonna go on Instagram or something you might want to start with a square canvas and stick to that. open the top left is a gallery and some additional tools kind of like the system tools to to the program and then on the right side or more of the drawing tools, the brushes, the color, wheel and the smudge tool and eraser and then a layering.

layering becomes really handy when you're dropping colors in behind your hand-drawn sketches. so I'll show you some of that one pen pen brush that I've gotten really into lately you know you can go through and explore all these different kinds, but the one that I'm really into is the ink bleed brush here and if you set that color to black, then you get a very realistic brush, that looks like a bleeding pin when it bleeds out though it's pressure sensitive. so the more that you press on it the more ink that comes out and really is is pretty awesome how it how it works. so if you were to be drawing something you can you can have lighter or darker lines depending on on what it is that you're drawing which is nice to have that pressure sensitivity and makes it feel like it's a real a real pencil a real pen whatever whatever the tool that it is that you're using now another one that I found to be useful is the marker and I really like this flat marker it kind of is has a feeling of a marker that's been dried up a little bit has a little bit of lost kind of its amount of bleed if you were to create like a new layer and drop it hold it slightly and drop it down below this layer then you can use this marker and actually draw behind the layer and you can see it really starts to work. like a real marker the more layers you put on it's kind of like a transparent feel to it then use this finger brush and you can really kind of smear all that out and make it have an interesting look to it it kind of if you if you had some some dark areas and you use this smudge tool you can bleed those dark areas out into some of the other areas and just gives you a different a different feel to your drawings if you were to play around with that a little bit and then you come back in and erase it.

So that your the stuff that you don't want bleeding through into that second layer it doesn't and then you can you can actually adjust the opacity of these layers that if you hit the in then you can drop the opacity so you can see it changing and it's uh it's quality there there's multiply layer linear and color burn and darken so a lot of options and normal just endless effects and options that allow you to really get interesting results from this you can see I've been playing around a bit with some of these things this ink splatter gets a nice effect and then the glow there's some brushes that actually glow like nighttime that kind of provide an interesting look to your sketches.

So these are these are fun little tools to play around with and I suggest that you download procreate and as your first option and let's look at.

Sunday, September 20, 2020


so there's no better way to start the earth than with new exciting goals, right? and if you're in the architecture world there's always that new softer in your lease that you want to master. so in today's article, let's talk about what software you have to have in a resume in 2020.

hey guys, oliver here with a new article, I hope you guys are doing great. if you're new here, I post weekly article, all about architecture, especially visualization and representation, but every so often about extra topics like this one.

Alright, first of all, there isn't a magical single software that is going to fulfill all your architecture needs. the best architect has a handful of skills to tackle each problem with these. now each software has unique features that can help you achieve better and faster Results. so let's talk about these software's in groups, then all you're gonna do is pick one of each group and you will be covered in all aspects.

Okay, you guys will probably know a couple of them. but since I've had lots of requests about what software I use and why, I'm going to also give my opinion on each one, and in the end you can see precisely what workflow I use cool. The forest and for most important group is obviously BIM. it's the main tool for architects. no doubt today it is a must in your skill set. a couple of years back. some would say that this would be a plus in a resume, but it isn't anymore. it's a complete necessity.

So if it's still of today you don't know a BIM software. it has to be your priority for sure. they're basically three main software's that I can highlight here. archicad which is very intuitive to use. you can go pretty easy from a basic mess into a very detailed 3d model, with all the documentation info in there, it is made specifically for architects. 

Than Revit, which is the most used worldwide. it has the best connections with other projects such as structure, MEP and so on. And there's one I like to always remember, but usually doesn't have that much attention.

Vector works from all three it has the best tools to create the 2D drawing from 3D. although I find the 3d modeling part a bit confusing. Well, that's a very short and shallow comparison, but don't just make this choice based on the most used software worldwide thinking you just get a job easier or just based on this list. I've used all of them and for me personally Revit is too square, maybe because I was never really an AutoCAD user and rabbit has a bit of that workflows. and also I feel that the software focus is more towards the civil engineering world. 

Then looking more into ArchiCAD I saw that some big companies also decided to use it. I found it very easy to use to visualize and design exactly what I wanted. the learning curve isn't as steep as Revit and Leslie I found it very similar to sketch ups workflow with a pushing pool system. 

So from my experience learning how a BIM Softworks is more important than really mastering one of them. it is much easier to migrate from one to another once you understand how BIM works. the main idea of this video is to present you with options so you can search more info to make a well-thought decision. I'm going to leave a couple of useful links in the blog.

Although to these software's aren't as needed as BIM they are a complement to your main architectural workflow. this is also where you create preliminary to the concepts of Zoning. usually rabbet users will use AutoCAD to refine details. that weren't exported as planned rabbit also has the tools to draw 2D in it ArchiCAD also has strong tools to help you create patterns lines and everything made in 2D well it might be wondering. what would I need to draw 2D? if you set that beam is already what's being used out there.

Well there are certain areas that in my experience still take great value out of quick and precise 2D drawings, one of which is interior design, documenting furniture and creating specific woodwork details that will go to your local carpenter and joiner. It still makes more sense to do it this way. A BIM software requires so much more modeling to extract plans and sections that a 2d approach can get it done in no time.

So AutoCAD is obviously an option but for me the winner if you're planning to go strictly to the is Vectorworks. here you work with planes instead of lines and fields and this is what's best for me in the software. it has a similar workflow to Adobe Illustrator with shapes. For example, I used on all architecture offices I worked and during university, before jumping into BIM, so I highly recommend taking a look.

Skillshare, so you know excuse sure right you've seen me talk about them a couple of times here in the blog and that's because I really believe in online learning. And also it seemed the perfect fit for this video especially because we're talking about learning your things in 2020. So excuse your is an online learning community that offers a membership to thousands of classes for creative and curious people on topics such as illustration, design, photography, freelancing and more. their lessons are designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold. most classes are under 60 minutes with short lessons to fit any schedule. here you can find classes that teach you the basics of a software, such as the ones in Adobe suite. but when I find the best sort of skill shares that teachers share specific subjects that they've mastered, therefore, they teach you a skill and the software is just a tool to achieve it. now I think a good way to start 2020s is reviewing your old habits and building new ones. 

So I'm currently taking other classes from Thomas Frank. but this time on real Productivity, how to build habits the last he shares so many interesting tips on how to achieve long term habit change. now excuse share is really affordable with an annual subscription being less than ten bucks a month so make sure to check him out click the link in the video description to get two free months of premium membership and explore your creativity thanks a lot Skillshare for sponsoring this article.

10+ Best 3D Interior Design Software

in order to create good interior designs you need software that can do the job smoothly and efficiently luckily. we have plenty of these programs that you can use to execute the design that you have in mind. these are the top and the most used interior design software.

1. Sketchup

formerly known as Google Sketchup, it is available in two versions Sketchup make which is a free version and SketchUp Pro which is a paid version. Sketchup comes with an online open-source library of free model assembly is called, 3d warehouse and supports third library plugins to improve the functionality of the software.

2. ArchiCAD

This software was developed mainly for architects, thus it mainly focuses on their needs it is a great software for designing architectural plans elevations sections and so on.

3. AutoCAD

one of the best cat software's that interior designers mostly use, it is available in Windows and Mac versions and you can download a free trial version from Autodesk site.

4. Autodesk 3ds max

This software helps in creating 3d models animations and rendering. it is very popular and used by architectural and interior design studios for rendering and visualization purposes.

5. chief architect

This software was specifically designed for the home industry. it simply allows a 3d design tools to be used by novice computer users or by those who find other CAD programs part to use or complicated.

6. Autodesk Revit

It is a building design and construction software that enables professionals to digitally construct buildings and models with a consistent and coordinated model-based approach specifically built for Building Information modelling. Revit allows to create plans elevations and sections in a quick manner.

7. live interior 3d

it is a great interior design software for professionals developed by belie software which, is very easy to learn and can be a great alternative to expensive con software.

8. palette cad

Interior designers looking for software that is not only fully featured, but also easy enough to use so that learning how to use it doesn't take your focus away from your actual job should check out talent cad. the interface is incredibly well designed and it allows you to work while you are learning how to use the software. the features are plentiful and lets you get very creative with any and every room in the house you are designing.

9. sweet home 3d

if you're looking for a software that can be used as a downloadable desktop software and as an online tool this one is for you. it's very easy to use and has a sleek interface that beginners can get a hold of right away if you don't want to install anything on your computer the online version of the tool is just as effective and as simple to work with.

10. punch home and landscape design

this is one of the easy to use options for people with no professional experience or prior experience in interior design, but it is also sophisticated enough to satisfy any professional unlike most software that is limited to your living space this one also provides options for landscaping and creating exterior scenes.

12. Autodesk home styler

home styler is packed with features and can be used online for no cost at all. it's a great software for everything from simple remodeling to building a home from the ground up and if you're looking for some inspiration you can go to their website and browse some of the interior design ideas that other people have uploaded.

you can share with us your thoughts on this subject in the comment section below and you can check some of our previous article if you are interested thank you very much and I will see you in the next one you.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Do you want to try to become an architect or designer? Yes, being an architect or designer cannot be arbitrary. Because, it requires special education-based expertise.

Apart from having to be clever in calculating design, this profession is also required to be able to make a Budget Plan (RAB) that can explain the value of architectural works to consumers.

But wait! Now, you can also create your own room design. You do this by visiting 10 free design program sites. As reported by Freshome.com, the ten sites are designed as easy as possible so that they can be used by the wider community.

Although they are not as detailed as applications commonly used by architects or designers, these ten sites can provide visuals in 3D or 2D before using the services of an architect or designer.

Later, you can freely choose the colors and building materials that have been provided. Curious? Here's the review:

1. Planner 5D

Planner 5D is a well-known media site for making room designs. You can really design a room down to architectural details such as windows, stairs, and partitions. In addition, you can also design the interior in every corner of the room. With a 3D graphic display, you can see a stunning landscape view.

2. Roomstyler 3D Home Planner

Do you want to see the room design from various angles? Try to use the application provided on the Roomstyler 3D Home Planner site.

On this site you can very much see all corners of the room that have been designed. The selection of beautiful colors, along with architectural details such as walls, doors and windows will look like real. Not only that, you can also see the price range (Budget Plan) that you will pay.

After the room design is finished, you can share it with friends on Facebook. Wow, it's cool!

3. Ikea Home Planner Tools

The next site is Ikea Home Planner Tools. This application program provided by the renowned IKEA furniture company can help you to create designs from the furniture contained in the IKEA catalog.

With an attractive 3D display, you can see the real design of the room that you have dreamed of. In addition, you can also immediately find out how much budget was spent on this design.

4. Ikea Kitchen Planner

Still an IKEA production, the next site is Ikea Kitchen Planner. Unlike other IKEA applications, Ikea Kitchen Planner is focused only on helping you create kitchen designs.

You can also adjust the size of your kitchen at home to determine the space that will be placed in cabinets, cupboards, and so on.

You might also like : 10 Android Home Design App Free and Complete

5. Design a Room

The site is deliberately created to assist you in transferring information on building materials that you want to use.

If all this time you are often deceived by the final result of the room design that is not in accordance with your wishes. Like, you have to try using the application in Design a Room.

The site is deliberately created to assist you in transferring information on building materials that you want to use.

For example, you make a bathroom, later on this site you will give you a choice of materials that are suitable for the conditions of your home. And of course there will be a consideration of the costs required.

6. Autodesk Homestyler

This one site is quite different from other application sites. Because, Autodesk Homestyler is a professional application program that is devoted to building a building.

Not only houses, this site also provides facilities for apartments and offices. The uniqueness of this program is that it is quite friendly to use. That is, it is not only professional but also can be used by first timers.

As a result, you can immediately see the finished room in the furnish condition. Amazing!

7. The Home Renovator

Are you going to renovate your house? Well, this site can help you to tinker with the old house into a new house.

The Home Renovator also provides ceramic materials, doors, windows, ceiling (roof), and color choices. You do this by filling out the request form that has been provided by the program for free.

Later, you will receive further instructions when it comes to installation. This renovation was also equipped with a plan size calculation. So that you can estimate before dismantling the house.

8. Smart Draw

Smart Draw provides graphic visuals and presentations equipped with charts, timelines, flow charts and marketing charts.

Since this application provides sufficient detail, it's no wonder that many professionals use this program in Smart Draw. However, you don't need to worry, because you can also try making your own design.

Featured picture: pixabay.com

Photo: freshome.com

As one of the primary human needs, the house should actually make the occupants feel comfortable. A comfortable house certainly comes from a design that is not just cool, but also proportional.

To get a comfortable home, this time ApkVenue will give recommendations for the ten best home design applications on Android.

Without the need to hire expensive architect services or go to college and have special expertise in the field of home design, you can design your own dream home concept using Android applications which you can get and use for free. Anything? Here are ten home design applications that ApkVenue recommends:

1. Planner 5D

The first application is Planner 5D. As the name implies, this application was created to help you design a home concept only from the smartphone or Android device that you are using. With this application, you can design a house in either 2D or 3D (three dimensions).

Not only does the house look outside, Planner 5D also has a feature that allows you to do interior design, aka the inside of the house. This 58 MB application will give you convenience with the many tools available. If you are confused, you can use a variety of templates available.

2. Houzz Interior Design Ideas

The next application is Houzz Interior Design Ideas. Created by Houzz, the developer of the same name, this application provides many features to help users design the concept and design of their dream home. Various choices of furniture are also available to make the design process easier.

Besides that, this application has one superior feature over other home design applications. Namely, there is a feature that allows users to save and share the results of their home designs with their relatives either via messaging applications or via their respective social media.

3. Home Design 3D - FREEMIUM

As the name implies, Home Design 3D - FREEMIUM provides benefits for its users to design a house for free, but still get premium features. Uniquely, this application guides you to design a house sequentially starting from the floor, furniture and exterior.

4. Home Design

For those of you who aspire to have a luxurious house, aka a house with the high-end category, then this application is what you must use. Design Home does provide a variety of luxury home designs along with a collection of expensive and luxurious furniture. You can easily design the luxury home of your dreams.

5. Home Design 3D: My Dream Home

Besides the house, you can also use an application called Home Design 3D: My Dream Home to design an apartment, you know! Yes, for those of you who feel more comfortable living in an apartment than a house, you really have to use an application with features that are able to decorate a bedroom with these details.

You might also like : 8 Free Home Design Websites Without Software

6. Floor Plan Creator

Almost the same as what we often see in home catalogs, the Floor Plan Creator application will help you design a house by modifying it from the top view. One of the advantages of this application compared to other home design applications is the 3D Tour Mode feature.

7. Room Planner - Interior Design IKEA

For those of you who like details and want to design room by room down to small things, then this one application is the most appropriate choice. Room Planner, created by one of the world's best furniture companies, IKEA, will certainly make it easier for you to design your dream room at home.

8. 3D Small House Design

For those of you who don't really like luxury homes, aka want to live in a small house but still comfortable, the 3D Small House Design application is an application that is suitable for you to use. Being able to design a house in 3D, this application will ensure you have a super comfortable house concept even though it is not large in size.

9. 600+ Minimalist House Modern Design Ideas

Almost the same as the application above, this one application contains more than 600 minimalist and modern home designs. You who also prefer a house with a sufficient size will be very satisfied with the various choices of minimalist home models here. Next, just add the design as you like.

10. House Plan Designs

Lastly, there are House Plan Designs. Just like the other nine applications, this application will help you design interior and exterior house concepts easily but still in detail. Not to mention that there are dozens of home templates that you can use if you are still confused about the initial concept.

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The final word

Those are the recommendations for the ten best home design applications on Android that you can use to design the concept of your dream home. What kind of house concept do you dream of? Then which application do you want to try first? Share your opinion in the comments column.
